More than words: How speech recognition software is changing how we work

Speech Recognition Blog

Nov 5, 2020

When it comes to technological advancements, many things have changed in even the last decade. One of the areas where this is most evident is in the area of speech recognition. From smart speakers to business software, voice technology has enhanced our lives in many ways. Speech recognition is a valuable tool that can increase efficiency and performance in your business.

The main thing that has changed is the way that people access and produce information. The future of information management lies in the understanding of language by software. Because people are using speech-activated applications on a variety of devices--like tablets, smartphones, and speakers--the voice technology market is evolving quickly. These technologies are being used to aid social interaction and professional productivity.

While the digital-savvy Millennials make up over half of the workforce, in 2020, the digitally-native Generation Z makes up 24% of the workforce. Not only do younger workers use this technology in their everyday lives, but they are most productive using voice technology in a work environment.

This technology is not going anywhere. By 2023, the overall speech market is expected to reach $18 billion. Here are some of the ways speech recognition is being used in business today:

1. Dictation and transcription

Running a small business is difficult. In order to be profitable, you need to be more efficient and productive. One great way to do this is to decrease the time it takes to create business documents. Documents in every industry can be created by speech recognition software. Some examples of documents that can be generated are:

  • Legal documents
  • Medical records
  • Business correspondence
  • Legal compliance records
  • Meeting and interview transcriptions

2. Personal assistants

Not everyone can afford an actual assistant at the office. Through the use of speech recognition and voice technology, however, now everyone can. It’s beneficial to have an assistant to remind you about appointments, tell you the weather, purchase office supplies, or research information. With speech recognition, you can turn your smartphone, tablet, or computer into your own personal digital assistant.

3. Accessibility

Speech recognition and voice technology grant more opportunities to those with disabilities such as visual impairments or dyslexia. It can also be a valuable tool for those who need to take a lot of notes or create a lot of documents but may have trouble using a keyboard. Technology creates more equality for individuals with disabilities in the workplace.

4. Automatic translation

Speech recognition can also be used to quickly translate from one language to another without a human translator. This can be an extremely useful tool for businesses with customers or clients who speak a different language. It can also be beneficial for professionals who need to interact with visitors from other countries. Although the translation will often not be perfect, this technology has come a long way from where it started.

At Milner, we understand that to remain competitive, your business needs to utilize technology in the best way possible. Learn more about our digital dictation and speech recognition services.